Autodesk Maya 2018.5 for Mac 好用的3D建模软件 合集 开心版



Autodesk Maya 2018.5 for Mac 好用的3D建模软件 合集 开心版

分类: 软件分享

标签: Maya 2018 开心版

时间: 2018-08-20

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Autodesk Maya是一款功能齐全的专业3D建模,动画,渲染和合成解决方案,提供各种功能和动态工具,可模拟流体,布料,颗粒和头发。
A cross-platform and comprehensive suite of tools for 3D modeling, animation and rendering specially designed for game developers and film makers.

Autodesk Maya is a fully-featured professional 3D modeling, animation, rendering and composing solution that provides a wide variety of features and dynamic tools to simulate fluids, cloth, particles and hair.

This release includes major workflow upgrades with new tools like the Time Editor, which is a comprehensive tool for creating and editing clip-based non-linear animation. Similarly, our new Render Setup system simplifies the management of complex scenes with shot-based overrides and templates. In addition, grooming all types of hair and fur in XGen is easier and faster using new Interactive Groom Splines, which includes a set of intuitive brush-based tools (used in the image above). Finally, the new Content Browser, and new Workspaces capabilities let you personalize Maya.

And, don’t miss our new Motion Graphics features, including the 3D Type Tool, the SVG Tool, and the MASH Procedural Effects Toolkit to create versatile motion design animations.

Requires macOS 10.11 or later

Web Site:

What’s New in Autodesk Maya 2018.4
Release notes not available at the time of this post.

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下载地址 提取码: ckgd

本文作者: 瓜子

原文链接: Autodesk Maya 2018.5 for Mac 好用的3D建模软件 合集 开心版

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